Quality and integrity are our watchwords.

[mnky_service icon_type=”entypo” title=”Comparables” position=”sb_center” css_animation=”fadeIn” icon_entypo=”entypo-icon entypo-icon-network”]The most extensive database of property information.[/mnky_service]
[mnky_service icon_type=”entypo” title=”Data analysis” position=”sb_center” css_animation=”fadeIn” css_animation_delay=”delay-100″ icon_entypo=”entypo-icon entypo-icon-chart-line”]Innovative next generation sequencing data analysis and valuation metrics.[/mnky_service]
[mnky_service icon_type=”entypo” title=”Personal approach” position=”sb_center” css_animation=”fadeIn” css_animation_delay=”delay-200″ icon_entypo=”entypo-icon entypo-icon-feather”]We strive to meet your needs and to exceed your expectations.[/mnky_service]
[mnky_service icon_type=”entypo” title=”Unparalleled knowledge” position=”sb_center” css_animation=”fadeIn” css_animation_delay=”delay-300″ icon_entypo=”entypo-icon entypo-icon-graduation-cap”]Experience the best industry experts working for your business.[/mnky_service]
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Property Valuations

Valuations of Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural property.

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Real Estate Services

Buy or sell your home through our agency’s real estate service.

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An Extensive range of Property related consultancy services.

[mnky_heading title=”Property Matters” heading_tag=”h2″ font_size=”20px” line_color=”#db2531″]

REAL ESTATE is the term used to refer to property – for example, houses, land, commercial buildings and apartments – and it is one of the principal investments undertaken by most families, even when we include the high-net-worth people who are no doubt reading this! This ongoing series written by Afra Raymond will discuss the real estate market in Trinidad & Tobago.

[mnky_heading title=”What you need to know” heading_tag=”h2″ font_size=”20px” line_color=”#db2531″]

The estimation of market value must involve an analysis of………The MARKET!  As such, the analysis involves consideration of the following factors:

  • Purchase price of the subject property;
  • Comparables (i.e. sales evidence of other properties; and
  • Market trend (are property prices over time rising, stable or declining?)

One may have noticed this phenomenon in our Valuation Reports when the inferred value of a building is different than the reported insurance recommendation/replacement cost.  This is because the replacement cost is determined by other factors unrelated to determinants of market value, and generally involves an analysis of cost estimates from various sources.

When reporting a market value (MV) of land and building, a single value is provided.  The main reason for this is the simple fact that a building cannot be sold without the land.  Another reason is that the sales evidence to which a Valuer would rely to determine MV do not distinguish between the price for land and the price for building.

[mnky_heading title=”Afra Raymond Blogs” heading_tag=”h2″ font_size=”20px” align=”align-center” line_color=”#db2531″]
[mnky_heading title=”Our clients include…” heading_tag=”h2″ font_size=”20px” align=”align-center” line_color=”#db2531″]
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[mnky_heading title=”Client Testimonials” heading_tag=”h2″ font_size=”20px” align=”align-center” line_color=”#db2531″]
[mnky_content_box static_shadow=”shadow” css_animation=”bottom-to-top” background=”#ffffff” custom_static_shadow=”0 17px 35px rgba(74, 74, 115, 0.1),0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.07)”][mnky_person_info title=”Gus Hiller” subtitle=”President, Trinidad and Tobago Iron Steel Company Limited” description=”Our company (TTIS) is a New Investor to Trinidad and Tobago, with our core business being Iron and Steel making process. In acquiring the Arcelor-Mittal steel-making plant at Point Lisas, a detailed valuation was required of this leasehold property, with its… READ MORE” img_url=”1138″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fraymondandpierre.pairsite.com%2Ftestimonials%2F|title:Testimonials||”][/mnky_content_box]
[mnky_content_box static_shadow=”shadow” css_animation=”bottom-to-top” background=”#ffffff” custom_static_shadow=”0 17px 35px rgba(74, 74, 115, 0.1),0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.07)”][mnky_person_info title=”Nyal Khan” subtitle=”Executive Director, Edan K Properties Limited” description=”Our relationship with Raymond and Pierre spans well over thirty years. As real estate developers, we rely heavily on their advice and their reputability as the foundation for ascribing value to our wide range of commercial and industrial real estate projects… READ MORE” img_url=”1138″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fraymondandpierre.pairsite.com%2Ftestimonials%2F|title:Testimonials||”][/mnky_content_box]
[mnky_content_box static_shadow=”shadow” css_animation=”bottom-to-top” css_animation_delay=”delay-200″ background=”#ffffff” custom_static_shadow=”0 17px 35px rgba(74, 74, 115, 0.1),0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.07)”][mnky_person_info title=”Ashmead Ali” subtitle=”Ashmead Ali & Company” description=”As the senior partner of Ashmead Ali & Co, Attorneys at Law, I have enjoyed a close working relationship with Messrs Raymond & Pierre, Chartered Valuation Surveyors (the Firm), for more than thirty years starting with the days when the Firm was led by… READ MORE” img_url=”1138″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fraymondandpierre.pairsite.com%2Ftestimonials%2F|title:Testimonials||”][/mnky_content_box]
[mnky_content_box static_shadow=”shadow” css_animation=”bottom-to-top” css_animation_delay=”delay-100″ background=”#ffffff” custom_static_shadow=”0 17px 35px rgba(74, 74, 115, 0.1),0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.07)”][mnky_person_info title=”Amit Rambaran” subtitle=”Developer, SkyView Development” description=”I have enjoyed a successful working relationship with this firm since 2013. I have used their services for various matters and have always been impressed by the high level of professionalism, quality work and advice that I have received…. READ MORE” img_url=”1138″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fraymondandpierre.pairsite.com%2Ftestimonials%2F|title:Testimonials||”][/mnky_content_box]
[mnky_content_box static_shadow=”shadow” css_animation=”bottom-to-top” css_animation_delay=”delay-300″ background=”#ffffff” custom_static_shadow=”0 17px 35px rgba(74, 74, 115, 0.1),0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.07)”][mnky_person_info title=”Deborah Costelloe” subtitle=”CEO Lifetime Roofing Ltd” description=”We (Lifetime Roofing Ltd) engaged Raymond & Pierre to supply a valuation on a property we were considering purchasing. They attended to the matter with urgency and efficiency. Their professional advice and understanding of the property, added considerable value that assisted …. READ MORE” img_url=”1138″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fraymondandpierre.pairsite.com%2Ftestimonials%2F|title:Testimonials||”][/mnky_content_box]
[mnky_content_box static_shadow=”shadow” css_animation=”bottom-to-top” css_animation_delay=”delay-300″ background=”#ffffff” custom_static_shadow=”0 17px 35px rgba(74, 74, 115, 0.1),0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.07)”][mnky_person_info title=”Kurland Duke” subtitle=”Registered Architect, Tobago” description=”Over the years, Raymond and Pierre has served our company, our clients and our associates with exemplary service. They are a highly professional and well- coordinated group of experts who take pride in their approach to business and to the mastering of their profession… READ MORE” img_url=”1138″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fraymondandpierre.pairsite.com%2Ftestimonials%2F|title:Testimonials||”][/mnky_content_box]

Recognised for leadership in the property industry.

[mnky_heading title=”Feedback” heading_tag=”h2″ font_size=”20px” line_color=”#db2531″]

If you are unhappy with a service or policy decision made by Raymond & Pierre Limited, please let us know. We value your feedback. It helps us to continually improve our service and ensure that our customers are satisfied.

NB: Complaints regarding valuation opinions MUST be supported by evidence such as recent sales or rentals.

You can fill out and submit our feedback form or click here to download. Complaints will be investigated and responded to within ten (10) working days.

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