The shape of things to come
Thursday 11th March, 2004
There is an unavoidable connect between the physical environment and
the type of interactions which are likely to flourish within that space.
The state of our nation - I am referring to the physical state here - is
a powerful reflection of our view of ourselves.
When we consider the manner in which we plan and implement our
policies, both public and private, can any of us really imagine what our
country will be like in say, 20 years' time? Just last Sunday - 7th
March - we had the input of Newsday Editor, Susan Mills on the ills of
the development control system and the opinion of Sunday Express
columnist, Dr. Kirk Meighoo, wrote on the meanings of public space to
our society. Plenty food for thought.
Do you think that the country will be a nicer place to live in? What
will our streets and parks look and smell like? Will our public spaces
be safer for us all? Will we have more comfortable homes? Will we be
able to afford a fair standard of living after paying our mortgages or
rents? Will it be easier and safer to get to work in the morning or home
from a night out than at present? Can we say, with confidence, that any
of the questions asked above will have positive answers?
If we are not able to muster that confidence, why not? What is the
alternative? We need to confront certain matters squarely if we are to
make a fair estimate of our prospects.
Some of the key questions arising are -
The quality of our towns - In my view, the quality of our
towns is one of the principal measures of the success of our
society. Yes, spoken like a real 'townie' I know, but look at the
vibrant cities in the developed countries to which we aspire. The
best homes, shops, parks, theatres and restaurants are all in the
heart of those cities. We have had a staggering migration away from
the centre of our capital City by anyone who does not depend on
passing trade. The issue is complex and will be taken up fully in
another column, but we can say that the quality of our cities is a
key ingredient towards the positive answers to which we ought to be
State Housing - What is the relationship, if any, between
the State Housing program we have discussed in the last few columns
and those homes that make up the 'real market'? The two are
interdependent in that a well-conceived and executed State Housing
policy will act to promote social equity and ensure the degree of
stability which is vital if the quality of life and value of the
rest of the market is to persist.
Street Homelessness - I can hardly remember homeless
people and vagrants when I was growing up here in T&T; even as a
young man they were rare and remarkable sights. Purely on the
evidence of my eyes, we have had a shocking explosion in the numbers
of street homeless in our country. Surely there are reasons behind
this disturbing development; one can think of increased drug
addiction, the collapse of the extended family and the relentless
increase in property prices and rents. Whatever the underlying
causes, there is no doubt that our country is a far less comfortable
place with the increase in this kind of homelessness. Women,
children and young men have now joined the ranks of elderly men on
our streets; can we not, as an aspiring, relatively wealthy
Caribbean society do better? If we are to improve the quality of
life, this issue has to be seriously tackled. We discussed some time
ago that the State's capital budget for the Ministry of Housing
increased from $33M in both 2002 and 2003 to $109M in 2004. Given
this dramatic increase, can we expect to see a real reduction in the
levels of street homelessness? If not, what is the future of our
cities? What is the future of Woodford Square, Harris Promenade and
our other urban open spaces if we do not deal with our least
fortunate citizens?
House prices - How likely is it that homes will be more
affordable in the next 2 decades? Will our investment in housing
yield a better quality of life? Given the high proportion of most
families' disposable income which goes towards shelter, it is clear
that affordable housing is yet another key determinant of a quality
Squatting - We have heard the Minister of Housing
speaking this last fortnight of his determination to enforce the law
insofar as squatting on State land is concerned. We must ask to what
extent does the Ministry's programme provide solutions for the
squatters and street homeless? Furthermore, how seriously can we
take the call to law and order when we recently saw the PM canceling
an official overseas trip to halt the demolition of an unauthorised
community centre in Laventille? We are told by newspaper reports
that the centre was built by an NHA contractor on NHA lands. As we
concluded last week, it is clear that the only way we are going to
bring some coherence to this area of policy is for there to be some
consistent policy guidelines. In the absence of clear leadership
there is plenty of room for mischief-makers and one wonders how we
can develop in this fashion. What kind of society do we expect to
emerge from this type of situation? The old people said that 'A good
example is worth a thousand words…'
The decisions we take today will influence the kind of life we have
tomorrow. The recognition of this fact is what distinguishes a mature
society from the undeveloped state that seems to beset us here in the
so-called Less-developed Countries.
Next, we will be examining the issue of taxation on property and
the future of our cities.

There is an unavoidable connection between
the physical environment and the type of interactions which are
likely to flourish within that space. The state of our nation -
I am referring to the physical state here - is a powerful
reflection of our view of ourselves. |